For so many years I was living a life that was holding me back from joy, health, and fulfillment. I spent 53 years living with the pain of trying to meet other people’s expectations. Numbing myself with “busy” to the point of not feeling was my prescription for survival. I was a people pleaser who put on a cape and pretended to be superwoman. What other people thought of me was more important than what I thought of myself. I was trying to prove that I was worthy of love. I was a broken woman, chasing the illusion of perfection.

It’s your story…how do you want to tell it?The last chapter of your life hasn’t been written yet, and I firmly believe the best way to predict the future is to create it. By working with a coach, I was able to identify and break through my self-sabotaging destructive behaviors and get out of my own way long enough for joy and fulfillment to flow freely into my life. I was finally able to gain the strength and clarity needed to make the massive shift in my life that allowed me to be truly present and happy. Instead of fearing change, I now embrace what it really is…growth.  I celebrate change! And in doing so, I realize that my imperfection is not something to be feared.  It is merely the foundation on which I am building my beautiful life.

It’s your story…how do you want to tell it?

The last chapter of your life hasn’t been written yet, and I firmly believe the best way to predict the future is to create it. By working with a coach, I was able to identify and break through my self-sabotaging destructive behaviors and get out of my own way long enough for joy and fulfillment to flow freely into my life. I was finally able to gain the strength and clarity needed to make the massive shift in my life that allowed me to be truly present and happy.

Instead of fearing change, I embrace what it really is…growth. I celebrate change! And in doing so, I realize that my imperfection is not something to be perfected. It is merely the foundation on which I am building my beautiful life.

You are always only one decision away from a totally different life.

Let Go. Learn. Discover. Repeat.


Follow your Path.

It all caught up to me in 2005 when I became a caretaker for both of my parents as well as my three teenage children. Due to the stress and exhaustion of this responsibility, I stopped taking care of myself. I was simply surviving. This led to a 30 pound weight gain, fragile emotional health, and an overall apathy towards life. I had hit my rock bottom. This realization wasn’t enough to get me to make the change I so desperately needed. I did not even think it was possible. 

It wasn’t until six years later in 2011 when I took a meltdown during a boot camp fitness class, that I finally made a decision to do something different. My trainer told me about a health coach that he knew of, and despite having no disposable income and a complete lack of trust that this person could actually help me, I signed up. I felt desperate. 

Through my own search for the best resources to support my journey to optimum health I became a National Board Certified - Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) with a MA from the Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH.) I am also an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with more than 25 years experience in the fitness realm. In my studies at MUIH, I delved into the psychology of behavior change with a concentration in nutrition. My background in these areas contributed to my personal wellness mission, and is the foundation of my holistic approach to nurturing the mind, body, and soul throughout the journey towards total whole body wellness.

Making those changes in my own life ignited a passion for helping other women do the same. The Imperfect Coach was born out of an eagerness to help women reignite their passion for life and discover the boundless possibilities in front of them. So many of us give up on our dreams and goals for the sake of our loved ones, only to find ourselves lost under the weight of putting everyone else first.

I want you to know that it’s never too late to change the direction of your life. You may be struggling with some of the same feelings and wondering when you will be able to stop the cycle of self sabotage and self-loathing that is keeping you stuck. If I can take the steps and make the changes to embrace a life full of joy and vitality, you can too. I’ve been there and today, I face the same decisions you do about your health. Some days it’s easier than others.

I am honored to be part of your journey!